Begge lejre var fulde af uforglemmelige øjeblikke: Lige fra at lære nye færdigheder til at udveksle kulturer med andre spejdere. Det, der skilte sig mest ud, var følelsen af sammenhold og forståelsen af, at uanset hvor vi kommer fra, deler vi alle det samme mål om at gøre verden til et bedre sted.
På lejrene var vi i stand til at rejse penge og opbygge netværk af internationale spejdere, som ønskede at støtte Mercy Scouts-projekter i Uganda.
Disse lejre lærte mig ikke kun lederskab og teamwork, men gav mig også livslange venskaber og værdifulde perspektiver. Jeg er taknemmelig for den globale spejderfamilie!
#Spejder #GlobaltSammenhold #Lederskab

International Scouts Camps Experience: A Journey Beyond Borders
After numerous visa rejections in the past, over the summer 2024, I got the opportunity to attend two international scouts camps: One in Denmark and another in England
From learning new skills to exchanging cultures with fellow Scouts, both camps were full of unforgettable moments. What stood out the most was the sense of unity and the understanding that, no matter where we come from, we all share the same goal of making the world a better place.
At the camps, we were able to raise funds build networks of international scouts who wanted to support Mercy Scouts projects in Uganda.
These camps not only taught me leadership and teamwork but also gave me lifelong friendships and valuable perspectives. Grateful for the global Scout family!
#Scouts #GlobalUnity #Leadership